Bay Area Action

15 August 6251 KMT/2011
Greetings of IMANI (FAITH) Esteemed Sister and Brother Leaders, Wrongfully-Held and Exiled Political Leaders, Unjustly-Incarcerated Family Members, Youthful Reparationists and Righteous Supporters:
May our Divine Mother-Father Creator of and in All—and beloved Ancestors from yesteryear and yesterday—find you and (y)our extended family in healing spirit.
A salute to the December 12th International Secretariat, the Nation of Islam,  under the leadership of Elder Minister Louis Farrakhan, ANSWER, International Action Center and others for organizing the successful “Millions March in Harlem” on this past Saturday, 13 August.  And, for those of us here in the Calafia Bay Area, who weren’t able to travel to New York this weekend, We offer our sincere gratitude to everyone who supported, contributed to and participated in our “STAND-UP FOR AFRICANS! STOP THE U.S./Obama-EUROPEAN-NATO TERRORISTS WARS, BOMBINGS, MILITARIZATION AND SANCTIONS ON AFRICANS!  WE STILL CHARGE GENOCIDE!  REPARATIONS NOW! rally on the same day.  While much, much smaller, our hastily-organized but very spirited gathering in the birthplace of the United Nations’ in downtown San Francisco, California—and directly in front of the black granite monument recognizing the “Universal Declaration on Human Rights”—featured a variety of activists, organizations and artists from the Bay Area. 
Baba Jahahara at Stand Up for Africans

Baba Bato connecting imprisoned hunger strikes to
attacks on Africa

Extra-special appreciation to… our masterful drummer Brother Bobby G., members of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA), Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition; Baba Pierre Labossiere of Haiti Action Committee, Baba Marvin “Dr. M.” X (veteran activist-author and therapist in the identification and treatment of destructive white supremacy and black self-hate), Baba Luis “Bato” Talamantez of San Quentin 6 (with Ancestor GEORGE JACKSON and others) and Prison Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition, Labor Black and Brown/Shut It Down Now Movement, Party for Socialism and Liberation, All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP), Socialist Viewpoint, Lynn Stewart Defense Committee, members of Service Employees International Union, International Longshore Workers Union, Sister Gloria La Riva* of the Committee to Free the Cuban Five, and others
With the utmost respect and compassion, We extend(ed) a warm hand to a number of inquisitive members of our human family from the adjoining “tender-loins” and gentrifying South of Market (aka, “SOMA”) areas, who expressed an interest in our event and ongoing efforts. Many of these Brother and Sister workers are battling deadly impoverishment, un(der)employment, shelterlessness, malnutrition, drug-addiction, the commercialization of their bodies and sex, and criminalization in this “liberal” city for sitting or laying down in public. 

Baba Marvin X

It should now be clear to all, that the federal, state and local governments—Democrats & Republicans, Inc.—are  intensifying their fascistic attacks to eliminate the hard-won economic gains and democratic rights and opportunities of working people; while continuing to waste trillions on destructive weapons, stadiums and unwarranted privileges for the unjustly-enriched corporations and wealthy classes. So, whether our current life stations are in Oakland, San Francisco, Harlem, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, London, England, Gaza, Palestine, Harare, Zimbabwe or Tripoli, Libya… We need to re-double our efforts to mobilize powerful and inclusive united fronts to righteously beat back our common enemies. Let us continue to organize and work together for real justice, self-determination, sovereignty for independent nations, Reparations, a clean and healthy environment, a lasting peace, and a bright future for all residents of our world.  Ase`. Amen.
Foundations for Our New Alkebulan/Afrikan Millennium (FONAMI)
P.O. Box 10963     Oakland, CA 94610
*Thanks to Sister Gloria La Riva and Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at, who have both traveled to the independent nation of Cuba, for leading our rally in singing “Happy Birthday To Ya” (Stevie Wonder’s version) for Elder and past President Fidel Castro on his 85th.

Baba Pierre Labossiere connecting Haitian coup
to attempts to murder Libyan leadership

Sister Topaz of Labor Black and Brown


Saturday, 27 August 2011, 12 Noon – 3 pm
African American Museum & Library (AAMLO)*
659 - 14th Street @ Martin Luther King, Jr. Way

48TH Year Commemoration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s Most Famous Speech!

Ø View powerful Reparations’ movement photos!
Ø Express Yo’Self and Reparations Priorities!
Ø Participate in Filming for Movie in production!

*Downtown Oakland (a short walk from Broadway/Oakland City Hall BART train station)

Sponsored by:  FONAMI and Members of N’COBRA
More Info: or 510.759.4311 

Regional Meeting at National Conference

We had only 3 people from the Southwest  Region at our regional meeting on Saturday afternoon in Chicago. 
There was only 1 person from the Western Region, So we decided to meet together.
We decussed our regional conference for 2012. We would like to have our Regional Conference in California at Bro. Thabiti Shabasinale Hashim place in Altadena.  He has traveled all over the south and east to attend our NCOBRA meeting and because he is now 92 we want to go to him.  We did not pick a date yet. 
Present at meeting was: 
1. Thabiti Shabasinale Hashim
2. Adjoa A Aiyetoro
3. Morgan Moss
4. Diana Kimble

Greasing the Wheels of Justice

by Asinia Lukata Chikuyu

Reminiscing about the criminality of the american system that tortured and tormented Geronimo Ji Jaga, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Dr. Mutulu Shakur Jamie & Gladys Scott - The Scott Sisters - and so many others, those of us who are civilized wanna see a change in that system. We wanna see justice handed down fairly and impartially. We believe in justice as a practice, not is rhetorically grandiose but morally empty.

It is the substance of justice that is bringing justice advocates together from across the country for the National Justice Conference April 2-4, 2012 in Jackson, mississippi. National and local advocates for real justice will conference about needed real changes to the american criminal in-justice system that locks up poor people for double-life for allegedly robbing two other poor people of eleven dollar but only sentences a man who robbed over 830,000 individuals of $11 billion to only 25 years. Which crime actually distribution to the economic state of america today? Who is the biggest threat to society?

The wheels of justice are grinding without proper lubrication. That friction will eventually cause sparks that will lead to an explosion of emotions and frustrations of grassroots people. That explosion is the revolution Dr. King spoke of saying "They (being the dispossessed of this nation — the poor, both white and Negro) must organize a revolution against that injustice". The National Justice Conference could easily be the spark of the revolution if you are somehow a part of the conference.

As we commemorate and continue the life work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in the 48th anniversary of his assassination, it is imperative that no voice be silent to the cry of justice. Good people remember Dr. King’s words, "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people." Call 601.353.4455 to find out how your voice can be heard in the call for justice. Or email: or

FREE YOUR MIND...& see what follows

South Florida N'COBRA Stands with Protestors Nationwide for Ayiti

August 11, 2011 11:00 AM

As soon as the South Florida chapter of N'COBRA received word that TransAfrica Forum, the A. Philip Randolph Institute and the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti were headed to Miami for an Education Conference, it mobilized by contacting these and other groups. While on their way to the Conference, TransAfrica had noted, hundreds of members across the continent had agreed to have organized a protest in front of the Immigration and Naturalization Services, also known as the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters. This demonstration was an effort to reiterate their support for Haiti and a just immigration policy.

The local N'COBRA Chapter, along with volunteering members from the Veye Yo Haitian Community Center decided to arrive early for a meet and greet. The climate was clear though somewhat cloudy, which made for Perfect protest weather on an August day in Miami.

Upon arrival we greeted Sister Joia Jef­fer­son Nuri of TransAfrica, point person for this event, along with IJDH's Steven Forrester and other leaders of human rights organizations and activists determined to stand for Haitians whenever possible. Joining forces to rally outside of the building, the group previously there had been told that the rally would necessitate a permit. Also, that the huge speakers brought in by the local SEIU would have to go – meaning that holding the protest right alongside the building was not a viable option.

The local chapter of N'COBRA, would like to applaud these two groups mainly for their relentless work in Human Rights issues, be it on Just Immigration, Prosecution of Crimes committed in the political arena on the island state of Ayiti or their interest in seeing that the Haitian electoral scenario find a more balanced field. However, having previously rallied  in front of the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration office in Miami and being led by one of the most savvy of N'COBRA National Representatives; General Kuratibisha X. Rashid, everything fell right into place with the stroke of a Haitian Flag. 

People immediately were led to the sidewalk and away from the building. The N'COBRA bullhorn coming in handier that ever, as this was the only means of audio present. Smaller Haitian and New Afrikan flags were handed out in the crowd beginning this protest with one of the many Keyol chants for social Justice!

Protestors said they were demanding changes in U.S. immigration policy for Haitians. Just as soon as a motorcade of Homeland Security cars lined up behind us, three traveling coaches loaded with a couple of hundred activists from across the nation pulled up in front. More than 200 demonstrators unloaded from the buses - ready to take on the world!!

They were calling attention to what all agreed are the “discriminatory policies that continue to treat Haitian immigrants in the U.S. by standards differently than immigrants from other countries, most notably Cuba.

South Florida N'COBRA was also calling for the White House to adopt the Haitian Family Reunification Plan (HFRP).
 The HFRP would help Haitians in Haiti and the Diaspora by granting immediate parole in the U.S. to already approved immigration beneficiaries. This plan would help reunite 16,000 minor children and spouses with their families and allow parolees to be eligible for work.

Executive Director, Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami (Haitian Women of Miami) and past congressional candidate Marlene Bastien is one of the Local Chapter's favorite activists on Haitian issues. After creating quite a storm, dancing, singing Haitian chants and hugging with Chapter members in her usual style,  Marlene told the N'COBRA Camera and the media, that: "Creating the Haitian Family Reunification Program could be the United States' most direct and significant form of support to Haiti's rebuilding. The Cuban Family Reunification Program has been renewed in 2009 and 2010 but a similar program for Haiti remains outstanding. We are coming together to ask in one voice: 'Equal Treatment for Haitians Now!'"

 'Equal Treatment for Haitians Now!' END RACIST IMMIGRATION POLICY!!


MAAFA refers to recent 500+ years “Great Tragedy” destruction of African peoples’ civilization through foreign invasions, rip off of human and natural resources, captivity of productive young people, removal from homeland, chattel slavery, colonizing oppression, dehumanization, and exploitation worldwide.
Why the Kiswahili term MAAFA vs. “Black Holocaust?”
Out of the movement of self-determination of Africans to define for ourselves what happened to Africa and it’s people forced brought in captivity to the Europeans’ “new world,” Dr. Wade Nobles, Marimba Ani and others deliberately used the Kiswahili word MAAFA. It describes the “Terrible Occurrence” or “Reoccurring Disaster” perpetrated upon African descent people. They maintained that MAAFA is a more fitting term of the unprecedented historical Great Tragedy, because holocaust (sacrificial burning) signifies what happened to other non-“Black” people.
Our MAAFA for the Mid-South covers the region below Memphis, Tennessee to Baton Rouge, Louisiana on both sides of the Mississippi River.  Natchez’s Forks of the Roads “slave” markets sites are the center focus.
Thousands of enslaved fore-parents and Ancestors were brought by force in chains on the internal American, over ground railroad, middle passage from the upper old south and sold into chattel slavery again in the new lower south. It’s time for the MAAFA movement to manifest in the mid-south with the Forks of the Road at the center, the second largest “slave” selling market in the deep old southwest.
Who, Where are MAAFA Commemorations Taking Place?    All over the Diaspora and in Africa!
 MAAFA Remembrances: Chicago, MAAFA Healing Ceremony St. Paul’s Community Baptist Church (17 yrs) Brooklyn and Buffalo N. Y., MAAFA Black African Holocaust Charleston, S. C., New Orleans’ Ashe Cultural Arts Center Congo Square to Algiers; Caravan to the Ancestors (Black United Front) Houston to Galveston TX. MAAFA, Oakland-S. F. Bay Area to Pacific Ocean MAAFA, Ghana West Africa.
Why Has There Not Been a MAAFA in the Mid-south/Mississippi?
Since 1995 Ser Seshsh Ab Heter-Boxley participated in Ancestral tributes throughout the south including ceremonies in New Orleans and Houston and organized commemorations at the Forks of the Road and other locations. However, only New Orleans and Houston was MAAFA Healing intended. It’s about time Mid-south/Mississippi!
The mid-south MAAFA as part of the Black & Blue Civil War Sesquicentennial
(150th Anniversary) will be a remembrance of the enslaved Ancestors and Fore-parents who were beaten and hanged in Jefferson and Adams Counties in 1861 for planning to take their freedom by annihilating their masters and talking about the northern army.
Come together at 6:30 am. at Forks of Road “Slave” Markets Sites at St. Catherine Street  & Liberty Road in Natchez, MS. We gather spirits of enslaved people sold at the Forks. From there we caravan to the Mississippi River and honor Spirit of the Big Muddy. From there we caravan to the sites of beatings and hangings.  Bring drums for one heart beat rhythm, dancing feet and your voices to celebrate and rejuvenate Spirit by conjuring up Spiritual energy. Wear traditional African white for Spirit, but this is not a prerequisite.
Contacts:             Ser Seshsh Ab Heter-CM Boxley Friends of the Forks of the Roads Society Inc. 
   601-442-4719   P.O. Box 2188 Natchez, MS. 39121

Mainstreaming the Reparations Movement for Our Children

September 17, 2011 3:00 - 7:00pm 

Dr. Raymond "Tikari" Winbush

Sponsored by N'COBRA-Philadelphia Chapter and N'COBRA-Legal Defense Research Education Fund. 
To view the flyer click here Mainstreaming the Reparations Movement for Our Children
Adults $10. Youth $5.
Walter  D. Palmer Charter School, 910 N. 6th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123 Phone:215/850-1699

The Legal Parameters of Slavery: Historical to the Contemporary

Saturday, August 27, 2011 
9:15 AM - 5:30 P
Pound Hall, Room 100, Harvard Law School
1563 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 

For More Information : Visit  Phone: 617-495-8285

Co-Chair Minister Ari Merretazon will attend this event


Submitted by Mashariki N. Jywanza 
N'COBRA Education Commission

Black August originated in the prisons of California to honor fallen Freedom Fighters, Jonathan Jackson, George Jackson, William Christmas, James McClain and Khatari Gaulden. Jonathan Jackson was gunned down outside the Marin County California courthouse on August 7, 1970 as he attempted to liberate three imprisoned Black Liberation Fighters: James McClain, William Christmas and Ruchell Magee.

Ruchell Magee is the sole survivor of that armed rebellion. He is the former co-defendant of Angela Davis and has been locked down for 40 years, most of it in solitary confinement. George Jackson was assassinated by prison guards during a Black prison rebellion at San Quentin on August 21, 1971. Three prison guards were also killed during that rebellion and prison officials charged six Black and Latino prisoners with the death of those guards.

These six brothers became known as the San Quentin Six. To honor these fallen soldiers the brothers who participated in the collective founding of Black August wore black armbands on their left arm and studied revolutionary works, focusing on the works of George Jackson.

In the month of August the brothers did not listen to the radio or watch television. Additionally, they didn’t eat or drink anything from sun-up to sundown; and loud and boastful behavior was not allowed. The brothers did not support the prison’s canteen. The use of drugs and alcoholic beverages was prohibited and the brothers held daily exercises because during Black August emphasis is placed on sacrifice, fortitude and discipline. Black August is a time to embrace the principles of unity, self-sacrifice, political education, physical training and resistance.

The tradition of fasting during Black August teaches self-discipline. A conscious fast is in effect FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET (or suggested from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm), this includes refraining from drinking water or liquids and eating food of any kind during that period. Some other personal sacrifice can be made as well. The sundown meal is traditionally shared whenever possible among comrades. On August 31, a People’s Feast is held and the fast is broken. Black August fasting should serve as a constant reminder of the conditions our people have faced and still confront. Fasting is uncomfortable at times, but it is helpful to remember all those who have come and gone before us, Ni Nkan Mase, if we stand tall, it is because we stand on the shoulders of many ancestors.

August 1619 – Arrival of first African slaves in 13 colonies
August 21, 1791 – Haiti slave uprising for independence
August 30, 1800 – Gabriel Prosser’s slave revolt discovered
August 21, 1831 – Nat Turner’s slave rebellion
August 1850 – Underground Railroad
August 17, 1887 – Birth of Marcus Garvey
August 24, 1943 – Birth of Russell “Maroon” Shoatz
August 30, 1948 – Birth of Fred Hampton
August 8, 1949 – Birth of Dr. Mutulu Shakur
August 1963 – March on Washington
August 1965 – Watts Rebellion
August 25, 1967 – FBI circulates internal order to “disrupt” Black Liberation groups
August 7, 1970 – Courthouse Slave Rebellion
August 18, 1971 – Capital of Republic of New Afrika attacked by FBI and police
August 21, 1971 – Assasination of George Jackson
August 28, 1971 – Jalil Muntaqim and Nuh Washington captured
August 8, 1978 – Police raid on MOVE
August 17, 1995 – Mumia scheduled for execution; stopped by resistance


N’COBRA Education Commission (NEC) Takes a Stand!

N'COBRA Education Commission female co-chair Mashariki N. Jywanza aka Queen Mother Awusi Noamesi II spoke at the anit-slave image rally on Saturday, July 30, 2011. The rally was held on the steps of the Indiana state house. Queen Mother Awusi represents N'COBRA Indianapolis chapter on the Citizens Against Slave Images (CASI) committee.

                Queen Mother Awusi pointed out the importance of having positive images to represent our people. "We have always fought and resisted the brutal treatment, psychological and physical, that has been inflicted upon us since we were stolen from our homeland and still affects us today. Our image today is constantly being twisted and distorted. We must take a stand so that our children, grand children and future generations with not have to wage this fight. There will be many more fights for them to fight but they will know "we" have stood up and resisted."

The city of Indianapolis announced that the proposed statue will not be erected on public space. It had been proposed by the cultural trails committee to place this image of a slave in front of the city-county building directly across from the jail. The announcement from the city is one small victory for CASI and the Indianapolis community! It was our efforts and our standing together that brought this decision about. The fight is not over we must continue to take a stand against those who stand against us! 

The NEC would like to encourage all chapters to look at the images of our people in your city and note what they are and how they are displayed. Send us your findings at

For information:

“Hidden Colors”
Sunday 7/31/11 the Indianapolis community gathered for the “Hidden Colors” documentary viewing, lecture by Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (interviewed in the documentary) and a community discussion about images and the education of our children. 

“The Historic Journey” curriculum
Saturday 7/30, Monday and Tuesday 8/1,2/11, Indianapolis community educators and parents participated in an in-service training for parents and community on the new k-12, culturally competent and responsive, relevant pedagogy,  academic standards (State and Federal) aligned curriculum, The Historic Journey, which has been adopted by the Indianapolis Public School District.  
For more information         

N’COBRA Indianapolis Education Committee advocates and supports the strategy for parents and community in-service trainings parallel to professional development for teachers and administrators in the school district.  We encourage and appreciate the partnership with Dr. White, Superintendent, and Dr. Patricia Payne, Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS), for accessing parents and community to the district professional development provided by Dr. Kaba Hiawatha Kamene, who agreed to conduct the evening in-service trainings for parents and community.  We’re on the move(ment) with Education in Indianapolis.

Hidden Colors Documentary

Hotep Family, Saturday, August 13, 2011, the National Black United Front {NBUF} Milwaukee Chapter along with the Alkebulan Village sponsored the public viewing of the dynamic documentary Hidden Colors.
Hidden Colors is a groundbreaking documentary about the real and untold history of Afrikans and people of color around the globe. This film discusses some of the reasons why the contributions of Afrikans and aboriginal people have been left out of the information that has been presented to us as history. The DVD Hidden Colors also offers solutions to the many problems we have as a people. You don't want to miss this outstanding documentary. The executive producer is New York Times best selling author/radio host Tariq Nasheed.

SAVE THE DATES:  NBUF Milwaukee will host the NBUF National Convention next year 
July 12-15 2012

The Midwest Region Is About Action

by Adjoa Barbara J. Baker, Midwest Regional Rep

On June 25, 2011 during the Regional Caucus at the 22nd Annual N'COBRA Conference meeting in Chicago,  the Midwest Region had 23 present, the largest attendance in all of the last 6 Conferences.
Everyone present from MN, IL, IN, WI, was committed to doing the work for Reparations. Ideas were discussed on waking up the movement by placing Public Service Announcements in the Print & Electronic media. It was suggested we call in on the Black Radio Talk Shows with information about your upcoming organizing meeting and/or special events like Human Rights Day (Dec.10)  Kwanzaa, Marcus Garvey’s Birthday, Bud Billiken Parade in Chicago (the largest Black Parade in the U.S.A.) August 13th.  Posting literature on Bulletin Boards, in church bulletins, at Universities & Colleges:  Accept speaking engagements, where you expound on the work of Human Rights as a means to our Reparations.  Update your mailing lists & starting mailing and/or emailing or blogging the upcoming meetings and events.
Since the Conference a group of five MN residents & supporters of Reparations have met to organize a Minneapolis, MN Chapter.

Milwaukee is going to work on their proposal to host the 2013 Conference. 

The above Marketing Strategies are very important. Management is equally important.
Chicago has enjoyed the theme of Reparations Awareness.  With this theme we work on bringing new facts and updates on the struggle.  At one of our meetings, I passed out the 30 Articles of the UN's Universal  Declaration of Human Rights. Experts are invited to our monthly meetings as guest speakers.  Book Review reports and video shows are the other methods of bringing more knowledge to our community/chapter.  An agenda at each meeting allows for a well-organized meeting. Guests and members prefer a professionally run meeting.

Sustaining the membership and the movement-- The success that is going on must be announced, for example:
Business -The Chicago Black Wall Street under Chairman Ron Carter has been successful in starting over 13 different areas in Chicago and Gary, IN as Black Wall Street Districts. A resolution was passed in the State Of Illinois legislation naming 75th St. from Dan Ryan on the west to Cottage Grove on the east as a Chicago Black Wall Street District.
Criminal Justice - Another important piece of legislation, led by Attorney Stan Willis, has a Commission that is studying how the victims of police torture can receive Reparations.  Atty. Willis continues to work on a law that will provide no statute of limitation on torture victims.
Buy Black Campaign - Rev. Webb Evans, founder, is an important strategy for the economy of Black people. The UAPA goal is to buy from people who look like you to the tune of $2 Million Dollars a year.  To date UAPA has reached $990 thousand dollars.
Education - This important component of our struggle has the Black Star Project founded by Mr. Phillip Jackson, Chicago N'COBRA Lifetime Member whose motto is "Educate or Die" We regularly support the programs that Black Star Projects presents.
Homework assignments - Membership is asked to give reports on how many people they spoke to since the previous meeting;  how many elevator speeches they gave on reparations; how many people they surveyed on "What Do You Think About Reparations For People of African Descent." The one sheet survey form is available contact me at   312/720-0648. 
As an incentive to communicating our movement by surveying our people with the above survey, I am, starting in September 2011, to recognize those members who return the most survey forms each quarter.

Special Alert:  From attending The Institute for Human Rights Education & Advocacy in Minnesota, I have learned another way we should frame our fight and some additional tactics we should be using.  More to come.


The 2011 22nd Annual National N'COBRA Conference was held in Chicago, IL. The theme was "Bambalele Jitayarishe" Never give up - Be Prepared for Reparations Now!
If you weren't able to attend or would like to experience it again SIMPLY CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW:


BANQUET NIGHT: 2 parts....
Pt- 1
Pt- 2

Provided by: Mark of MFN Administration