Reparations 101

For the benefit of any one you share with who may not be familiar with N’COBRA and our work we provide the following information:

repairing damage that was wrongfully done

The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America is a mass-based coalition organized and organizing to help repair the damage wrongfully done to people of African descent in the United States. We believe that the United States government; many state governments; and several existing businesses have benefited from the unjust and inhumane exploitation of “Black” people in this country. N’COBRA is committed to winning justice and fair compensation that will begin to repair the damage caused by:

  • Chattel enslavement
the most brutal form of slavery ever perpetrated

  • Jim Crow segregation
legal apartheid – systemic practice of separation and mistreatment

  • Modern-day racial discrimination
the new face of old practices violating our civil and human rights

N’COBRA identifies five broad areas where people of African descent have been damaged (injured) as a group:

  • Peoplehood/nationhood
where Black people are denied the power to control their own lives

  • Education
where Black people are not taught their own history

  • Wealth/poverty
where Black people are kept poor, unemployed or underemployed

  • Criminal punishment
where Black people are disproportionately arrested and incarcerated

  • Healthcare
where Black people are not afforded the best medical treatment