Bay Area Action

15 August 6251 KMT/2011
Greetings of IMANI (FAITH) Esteemed Sister and Brother Leaders, Wrongfully-Held and Exiled Political Leaders, Unjustly-Incarcerated Family Members, Youthful Reparationists and Righteous Supporters:
May our Divine Mother-Father Creator of and in All—and beloved Ancestors from yesteryear and yesterday—find you and (y)our extended family in healing spirit.
A salute to the December 12th International Secretariat, the Nation of Islam,  under the leadership of Elder Minister Louis Farrakhan, ANSWER, International Action Center and others for organizing the successful “Millions March in Harlem” on this past Saturday, 13 August.  And, for those of us here in the Calafia Bay Area, who weren’t able to travel to New York this weekend, We offer our sincere gratitude to everyone who supported, contributed to and participated in our “STAND-UP FOR AFRICANS! STOP THE U.S./Obama-EUROPEAN-NATO TERRORISTS WARS, BOMBINGS, MILITARIZATION AND SANCTIONS ON AFRICANS!  WE STILL CHARGE GENOCIDE!  REPARATIONS NOW! rally on the same day.  While much, much smaller, our hastily-organized but very spirited gathering in the birthplace of the United Nations’ in downtown San Francisco, California—and directly in front of the black granite monument recognizing the “Universal Declaration on Human Rights”—featured a variety of activists, organizations and artists from the Bay Area. 
Baba Jahahara at Stand Up for Africans

Baba Bato connecting imprisoned hunger strikes to
attacks on Africa

Extra-special appreciation to… our masterful drummer Brother Bobby G., members of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA), Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition; Baba Pierre Labossiere of Haiti Action Committee, Baba Marvin “Dr. M.” X (veteran activist-author and therapist in the identification and treatment of destructive white supremacy and black self-hate), Baba Luis “Bato” Talamantez of San Quentin 6 (with Ancestor GEORGE JACKSON and others) and Prison Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition, Labor Black and Brown/Shut It Down Now Movement, Party for Socialism and Liberation, All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP), Socialist Viewpoint, Lynn Stewart Defense Committee, members of Service Employees International Union, International Longshore Workers Union, Sister Gloria La Riva* of the Committee to Free the Cuban Five, and others
With the utmost respect and compassion, We extend(ed) a warm hand to a number of inquisitive members of our human family from the adjoining “tender-loins” and gentrifying South of Market (aka, “SOMA”) areas, who expressed an interest in our event and ongoing efforts. Many of these Brother and Sister workers are battling deadly impoverishment, un(der)employment, shelterlessness, malnutrition, drug-addiction, the commercialization of their bodies and sex, and criminalization in this “liberal” city for sitting or laying down in public. 

Baba Marvin X

It should now be clear to all, that the federal, state and local governments—Democrats & Republicans, Inc.—are  intensifying their fascistic attacks to eliminate the hard-won economic gains and democratic rights and opportunities of working people; while continuing to waste trillions on destructive weapons, stadiums and unwarranted privileges for the unjustly-enriched corporations and wealthy classes. So, whether our current life stations are in Oakland, San Francisco, Harlem, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, London, England, Gaza, Palestine, Harare, Zimbabwe or Tripoli, Libya… We need to re-double our efforts to mobilize powerful and inclusive united fronts to righteously beat back our common enemies. Let us continue to organize and work together for real justice, self-determination, sovereignty for independent nations, Reparations, a clean and healthy environment, a lasting peace, and a bright future for all residents of our world.  Ase`. Amen.
Foundations for Our New Alkebulan/Afrikan Millennium (FONAMI)
P.O. Box 10963     Oakland, CA 94610
*Thanks to Sister Gloria La Riva and Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at, who have both traveled to the independent nation of Cuba, for leading our rally in singing “Happy Birthday To Ya” (Stevie Wonder’s version) for Elder and past President Fidel Castro on his 85th.

Baba Pierre Labossiere connecting Haitian coup
to attempts to murder Libyan leadership

Sister Topaz of Labor Black and Brown