South Florida N'COBRA Stands with Protestors Nationwide for Ayiti

August 11, 2011 11:00 AM

As soon as the South Florida chapter of N'COBRA received word that TransAfrica Forum, the A. Philip Randolph Institute and the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti were headed to Miami for an Education Conference, it mobilized by contacting these and other groups. While on their way to the Conference, TransAfrica had noted, hundreds of members across the continent had agreed to have organized a protest in front of the Immigration and Naturalization Services, also known as the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters. This demonstration was an effort to reiterate their support for Haiti and a just immigration policy.

The local N'COBRA Chapter, along with volunteering members from the Veye Yo Haitian Community Center decided to arrive early for a meet and greet. The climate was clear though somewhat cloudy, which made for Perfect protest weather on an August day in Miami.

Upon arrival we greeted Sister Joia Jef­fer­son Nuri of TransAfrica, point person for this event, along with IJDH's Steven Forrester and other leaders of human rights organizations and activists determined to stand for Haitians whenever possible. Joining forces to rally outside of the building, the group previously there had been told that the rally would necessitate a permit. Also, that the huge speakers brought in by the local SEIU would have to go – meaning that holding the protest right alongside the building was not a viable option.

The local chapter of N'COBRA, would like to applaud these two groups mainly for their relentless work in Human Rights issues, be it on Just Immigration, Prosecution of Crimes committed in the political arena on the island state of Ayiti or their interest in seeing that the Haitian electoral scenario find a more balanced field. However, having previously rallied  in front of the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration office in Miami and being led by one of the most savvy of N'COBRA National Representatives; General Kuratibisha X. Rashid, everything fell right into place with the stroke of a Haitian Flag. 

People immediately were led to the sidewalk and away from the building. The N'COBRA bullhorn coming in handier that ever, as this was the only means of audio present. Smaller Haitian and New Afrikan flags were handed out in the crowd beginning this protest with one of the many Keyol chants for social Justice!

Protestors said they were demanding changes in U.S. immigration policy for Haitians. Just as soon as a motorcade of Homeland Security cars lined up behind us, three traveling coaches loaded with a couple of hundred activists from across the nation pulled up in front. More than 200 demonstrators unloaded from the buses - ready to take on the world!!

They were calling attention to what all agreed are the “discriminatory policies that continue to treat Haitian immigrants in the U.S. by standards differently than immigrants from other countries, most notably Cuba.

South Florida N'COBRA was also calling for the White House to adopt the Haitian Family Reunification Plan (HFRP).
 The HFRP would help Haitians in Haiti and the Diaspora by granting immediate parole in the U.S. to already approved immigration beneficiaries. This plan would help reunite 16,000 minor children and spouses with their families and allow parolees to be eligible for work.

Executive Director, Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami (Haitian Women of Miami) and past congressional candidate Marlene Bastien is one of the Local Chapter's favorite activists on Haitian issues. After creating quite a storm, dancing, singing Haitian chants and hugging with Chapter members in her usual style,  Marlene told the N'COBRA Camera and the media, that: "Creating the Haitian Family Reunification Program could be the United States' most direct and significant form of support to Haiti's rebuilding. The Cuban Family Reunification Program has been renewed in 2009 and 2010 but a similar program for Haiti remains outstanding. We are coming together to ask in one voice: 'Equal Treatment for Haitians Now!'"

 'Equal Treatment for Haitians Now!' END RACIST IMMIGRATION POLICY!!