N’COBRA Education Commission (NEC) Takes a Stand!

N'COBRA Education Commission female co-chair Mashariki N. Jywanza aka Queen Mother Awusi Noamesi II spoke at the anit-slave image rally on Saturday, July 30, 2011. The rally was held on the steps of the Indiana state house. Queen Mother Awusi represents N'COBRA Indianapolis chapter on the Citizens Against Slave Images (CASI) committee.

                Queen Mother Awusi pointed out the importance of having positive images to represent our people. "We have always fought and resisted the brutal treatment, psychological and physical, that has been inflicted upon us since we were stolen from our homeland and still affects us today. Our image today is constantly being twisted and distorted. We must take a stand so that our children, grand children and future generations with not have to wage this fight. There will be many more fights for them to fight but they will know "we" have stood up and resisted."

The city of Indianapolis announced that the proposed statue will not be erected on public space. It had been proposed by the cultural trails committee to place this image of a slave in front of the city-county building directly across from the jail. The announcement from the city is one small victory for CASI and the Indianapolis community! It was our efforts and our standing together that brought this decision about. The fight is not over we must continue to take a stand against those who stand against us! 

The NEC would like to encourage all chapters to look at the images of our people in your city and note what they are and how they are displayed. Send us your findings at jywanzak@yahoo.com

For information:  http:www.wix.com/1slave-enough/inindy    garryholland@thehistoricjourney.com

“Hidden Colors”
Sunday 7/31/11 the Indianapolis community gathered for the “Hidden Colors” documentary viewing, lecture by Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (interviewed in the documentary) and a community discussion about images and the education of our children. 

“The Historic Journey” curriculum
Saturday 7/30, Monday and Tuesday 8/1,2/11, Indianapolis community educators and parents participated in an in-service training for parents and community on the new k-12, culturally competent and responsive, relevant pedagogy,  academic standards (State and Federal) aligned curriculum, The Historic Journey, which has been adopted by the Indianapolis Public School District.  
For more information garryholland@associates@thehistoricjourney.com         

N’COBRA Indianapolis Education Committee advocates and supports the strategy for parents and community in-service trainings parallel to professional development for teachers and administrators in the school district.  We encourage and appreciate the partnership with Dr. White, Superintendent, and Dr. Patricia Payne, Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS), for accessing parents and community to the district professional development provided by Dr. Kaba Hiawatha Kamene, who agreed to conduct the evening in-service trainings for parents and community.  We’re on the move(ment) with Education in Indianapolis.