MAAFA refers to recent 500+ years “Great Tragedy” destruction of African peoples’ civilization through foreign invasions, rip off of human and natural resources, captivity of productive young people, removal from homeland, chattel slavery, colonizing oppression, dehumanization, and exploitation worldwide.
Why the Kiswahili term MAAFA vs. “Black Holocaust?”
Out of the movement of self-determination of Africans to define for ourselves what happened to Africa and it’s people forced brought in captivity to the Europeans’ “new world,” Dr. Wade Nobles, Marimba Ani and others deliberately used the Kiswahili word MAAFA. It describes the “Terrible Occurrence” or “Reoccurring Disaster” perpetrated upon African descent people. They maintained that MAAFA is a more fitting term of the unprecedented historical Great Tragedy, because holocaust (sacrificial burning) signifies what happened to other non-“Black” people.
Our MAAFA for the Mid-South covers the region below Memphis, Tennessee to Baton Rouge, Louisiana on both sides of the Mississippi River.  Natchez’s Forks of the Roads “slave” markets sites are the center focus.
Thousands of enslaved fore-parents and Ancestors were brought by force in chains on the internal American, over ground railroad, middle passage from the upper old south and sold into chattel slavery again in the new lower south. It’s time for the MAAFA movement to manifest in the mid-south with the Forks of the Road at the center, the second largest “slave” selling market in the deep old southwest.
Who, Where are MAAFA Commemorations Taking Place?    All over the Diaspora and in Africa!
 MAAFA Remembrances: Chicago, MAAFA Healing Ceremony St. Paul’s Community Baptist Church (17 yrs) Brooklyn and Buffalo N. Y., MAAFA Black African Holocaust Charleston, S. C., New Orleans’ Ashe Cultural Arts Center Congo Square to Algiers; Caravan to the Ancestors (Black United Front) Houston to Galveston TX. MAAFA, Oakland-S. F. Bay Area to Pacific Ocean MAAFA, Ghana West Africa.
Why Has There Not Been a MAAFA in the Mid-south/Mississippi?
Since 1995 Ser Seshsh Ab Heter-Boxley participated in Ancestral tributes throughout the south including ceremonies in New Orleans and Houston and organized commemorations at the Forks of the Road and other locations. However, only New Orleans and Houston was MAAFA Healing intended. It’s about time Mid-south/Mississippi!
The mid-south MAAFA as part of the Black & Blue Civil War Sesquicentennial
(150th Anniversary) will be a remembrance of the enslaved Ancestors and Fore-parents who were beaten and hanged in Jefferson and Adams Counties in 1861 for planning to take their freedom by annihilating their masters and talking about the northern army.
Come together at 6:30 am. at Forks of Road “Slave” Markets Sites at St. Catherine Street  & Liberty Road in Natchez, MS. We gather spirits of enslaved people sold at the Forks. From there we caravan to the Mississippi River and honor Spirit of the Big Muddy. From there we caravan to the sites of beatings and hangings.  Bring drums for one heart beat rhythm, dancing feet and your voices to celebrate and rejuvenate Spirit by conjuring up Spiritual energy. Wear traditional African white for Spirit, but this is not a prerequisite.
Contacts:             Ser Seshsh Ab Heter-CM Boxley Friends of the Forks of the Roads Society Inc. 
   601-442-4719   P.O. Box 2188 Natchez, MS. 39121