Greasing the Wheels of Justice

by Asinia Lukata Chikuyu

Reminiscing about the criminality of the american system that tortured and tormented Geronimo Ji Jaga, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Dr. Mutulu Shakur Jamie & Gladys Scott - The Scott Sisters - and so many others, those of us who are civilized wanna see a change in that system. We wanna see justice handed down fairly and impartially. We believe in justice as a practice, not is rhetorically grandiose but morally empty.

It is the substance of justice that is bringing justice advocates together from across the country for the National Justice Conference April 2-4, 2012 in Jackson, mississippi. National and local advocates for real justice will conference about needed real changes to the american criminal in-justice system that locks up poor people for double-life for allegedly robbing two other poor people of eleven dollar but only sentences a man who robbed over 830,000 individuals of $11 billion to only 25 years. Which crime actually distribution to the economic state of america today? Who is the biggest threat to society?

The wheels of justice are grinding without proper lubrication. That friction will eventually cause sparks that will lead to an explosion of emotions and frustrations of grassroots people. That explosion is the revolution Dr. King spoke of saying "They (being the dispossessed of this nation — the poor, both white and Negro) must organize a revolution against that injustice". The National Justice Conference could easily be the spark of the revolution if you are somehow a part of the conference.

As we commemorate and continue the life work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in the 48th anniversary of his assassination, it is imperative that no voice be silent to the cry of justice. Good people remember Dr. King’s words, "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people." Call 601.353.4455 to find out how your voice can be heard in the call for justice. Or email: or

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